Four Really Brilliant Novels

    All of the Aussie readers of this, who prefer a print copy of a novel but are reluctant to pay $30-ish at the bookshops, just thought I'd let you know that all four of mine are now out in paperback and available for loan through your local library network.  (But only through them, as the cost and the logistics of marketing and distribution privately are too challenging. For me.)

    I personally use the excellent South Aust "One Library" system heaps, and each State has an equivalent as best I can make out with a quick googling.  AND, if they don't have a copy, hopefully they'll get in a panic and request one through the four big state library suppliers, who each now carry all four of my titles. So go for it! I need the dosh!
    And if you're other places (and Aus), and would like to see if my fiction might be worth a look, Amazon and Kobo both carry the e-book versions for about the price of two cups of coffee. An excellent investment in keeping an aged novelist motivated.


        Trev Edmonds